Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 16 - Eggs

Sorry there are no pictures today. I left my camera at home. But honestly, you've seen everything we did today.

First was a Breakfast Platter that consisted of Potatoes O'Brien, Bacon, a Western Omelet and a French Omelet. A Western Omelet is your typical one fold semi-circular omelet that you see at Denny's. The eggs are fully cooked and there can be a little fried color on the sides. A French Omelet is folded in thirds and looks a lot like a blintze. It is usually a little underdone and there is no color allowed at all. It's supposed to be a little squishy.

Everything came out perfect and Chef Reyes was particularly impressed with my French Omelet. I guess other students had a little trouble with it but mine came out perfect. He even appreciated that I cut off the ends to give it a fancier look. What he didn't know is that I cut off the ends because on the second fold, my omelet came apart at the ends. I just trimmed off the parts that didn't look pretty. I guess the breakfast gods were smiling on me today. Maybe even chuckling.

The last platter we turned in today contained Scrambled Eggs, Sunny side Up, Over-Easy, Over-Medium and Over-Hard. One other element added to the platter is that we were not allowed to use a spatula (except on the scrambled.) The good news is I practiced flipping eggs all weekend and was successful on 9 our of 10 tries. The one that I missed however, made a huge mess and took me about 20 minutes to get the fried egg out of the oven dials, the oven door, the broiler door, the broiler pan, etc. But it was worth it because in class I made no mistakes at all. Everything came out perfect.

I'm pretty sure today was scored 20/20. The chefs mentioned before class that breakfast chefs tend to make a little more than some evening chefs because the breakfast foods are so specialized. They said if you are an early riser and are good at cooking eggs, that might be a great job to consider. I had fun today while others struggled so it might be a good fit for me. As everyone knows, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

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