Monday, January 14, 2008

Day 6 - Hollandaise Sauce and Tomato Sauce

Today was the day we were told we'd dread because we had to make Hollandaise sauce. I'm not sure if it's widely known how difficult it is to make but there is supposedly nothing more difficult. But finally I nailed something. I was told by Chef Reyes that it was perfect. My first perfect! Woo-hoo! Sorry the picture isn't better. I turned it in for tasting before I snapped the picture.

We then paired up and made 2 quarts of tomato sauce. That was a lot of fun and we'll be using it this week when making bolognese sauce for lasagna. It was so easy to make that I doubt I'll buy canned sauce again. You could really taste the difference.

I also got my grade for the first week and I ended up with 92.6/100 which is an A. I couldn't be happier. I really thought it might be lower than that so I was thrilled.

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